The Science Behind Hair Growth – And How To Boost It!

Welcome to our very 'sciency' hair blog on how to boost hair growth!
Hair is a funny thing. Everyone’s hair grows at different speeds, and some experience hair loss and thinning. But even that can happen at different ages and stages, and can be caused by numerous factors.
But, that doesn’t mean we can’t all amplify our own hair growth... No matter what stage you're in!
A single hair can be split into two parts; the follicle, which sits under the skin, and the shaft, the part of the hair that can be seen, which is where it grows past the skin. The shaft of the hair is actually dead, and that’s why cells need to regenerate all the time!
Today, this sciency hair blog takes a look at how it works...
Hair Science: The Growth Cycle
Hair, on average, grows half an inch per month, which is 6 inches in a year. Interestingly, hair grows faster in warm weather, or at high altitudes. In fact, it’s the body’s fastest growing tissue!
There are three stages in the hair growth cycle. So even though people experience hair growth and loss at different ages and speeds, all hair goes through this same cycle.
Anagen: The Growth Stage
This is the stage where the hair follicles receive nutrients and oxygen, which allows the hair strands to grow. It’s the active phase of the cycle, and it can last anywhere between 2 and 8 years.
Catagen: The Transition Stage
When hairs stop growing, it means they’ve reached the catagen stage. It stops because it is cut off from retrieving nutrients at the follicle. Hairs can remain at this stage for around 4-6 weeks.
Telogen: The Rest Stage
The dead hair is ready to fall out when it reaches the telogen stage. But it can take up to 3 months before the hair finally leaves the head. While it’s waiting, the hair follicles prepare to restart the cycle by generating new hair. It will then enter the pre-anagen stage, ready for another round!
Hair Science: The Science Behind Hair Loss
We’ve spoken a lot about hair loss here at Cel, and the science behind it. For a lot of men, it’s an expected inevitability. But for women, it’s almost unspoken.
And we want to change that.
80 million men and women in the United States suffer from hair loss and hair thinning, according to the American Academy Of Dermatology. And for many, it can be damaging to their confidence.
A loss of confidence can really impact your whole lifestyle, so feeling your best self should be a priority! That’s why we want to give you some advice on how to enhance your hair’s natural growth.
Hair Science: Hair Loss
Hair loss occurs when new hair can’t grow back because something is stopping it from doing so. Medically known as anagen effluvium, it can be caused by treatments, habits, or it can be put down to simply your genetics.
Here are some examples of what may cause hair loss:
- Genetics: hair loss can be hereditary
- A side effect of some drugs or medical treatments
- An immune system disorder
- Giving birth (Read more on Postpartum Hair Loss here)
- Menopause (Read more on Hair Thinning, Hair Loss and Menopause here)
- Hairstyles that pull on the hair
- Trichotillomania – A psychological compulsion to pull out hairs
- Using harsh hair products
Genetic hair loss is caused by the hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It’s a byproduct of testosterone, which is why is far more prevalent in men than in women – although many women still hold the hormone.
Read more about male pattern baldness here.
Hair Science: Hair Shedding
It's possible to mistake hair shredding for hair loss. Hair shredding is the natural occurrence of hair falling out - the medical term is telogen effluvium.
Sometimes certain stressors can cause more hairs to fall out for a period of time, but it’s usually temporary and will fix itself.
Some common causes of hair shredding are:
- Sudden weight loss
- Going through childbirth (Read more on Postpartum Hair Loss here)
- Stopped taking birth-control pills
- Excessive levels of stress and anxiety (Read more on how stress can damage your hair here)
- Recently having undergone an operation
- Recovering from a high fever illness
Boost Hair Growth: How To Encourage Hair Growth
Suffering from hair shedding or hair loss can be a stressful experience, but you shouldn’t have to settle for it. There are some ways to enhance your hair growth, giving you more confidence, so you can feel your best self all the time!
How To Boost Hair Growth With Green Tea
Known for its many health benefits, green tea is full of antioxidants, vitamins, and amino acids. One of the antioxidants it's rich in is catechin, which helps to reduce dihydrotestosterone (DHT) activity.
Drinking green tea regularly is good for clearing the body of toxins, which can hinder nutrients from reaching as far as the scalp. Without being fed with nutrition, the hairs struggle to grow.
You can also use those same tea bags from your cup for more direct application. Once the teabags have cooled down but are still wet, squeeze the tea out over the scalp. Leave on for up to 30 minutes and rinse off with cool water.
Read more about How Tea Can Boost Hair Growth here!
How To Boost Hair Growth With Targeted, Scientifically Optimized Products
Here at Cel, we know the importance of hair growth. It’s more than just looking nice: it’s feeling good about yourself, and that’s what we all want to obtain.
With extensive research and expert knowledge, we’ve formulated a daily use hair formula, that combats hair thinning and hair loss: our Microstem Hair Growth Formula. We mix science with nature, using Asparagus Stem Cells which are proven to slow down the hair loss process, by providing each strand of hair with keratin: the structural protein that makes up hair!
It doesn’t only help slow down hair loss, but it also encourages and boosts hair growth by extending the Anagen phase, and our scientifically optimized, specifically selected vitamins and minerals protect and strengthen the hair follicles at the root in the scalp. Try it today...
How To Boost Hair Growth By Improving Your Diet
What you eat can really make a difference to the health of your hair, because, without the right nutrients, hair can struggle to grow. Two nutrients you need to make sure you have an abundance of, are Zinc and Niacin.
Zinc can be found mostly in meat, but also in shellfish, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy, and eggs. Zinc is one of the most important minerals for hair growth. Zinc deficiency may be inherited or obtained through certain diets, such as poorly managed vegetarianism.
Read more about the Zinc Benefits For Hair here.
Read up on Vegetarian & Vegan Foods For Hair Growth here.
For hair growth, Niacin is considered to be a huge contributing factor due to the way it helps blood circulation. Niacin helps the blood deliver oxygen and nutrients directly and efficiently to your hair follicles, which in turn helps fuel a healthy scalp.
That’s right! Poor blood circulation can contribute to hair thinning and loss.
Having a healthy and appropriately nourished scalp helps your hair have the best chance of growing thick and luscious… And, getting your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Niacin can help promote that all important perfect environment for healthy hair growth! The RDA of Niacin is 16 mg for males and 14g for females (18mg if pregnant, 17mg if breastfeeding).
Find Niacin in Cel's Advanced Hair Supplement! This amazing supplement contains a unique blend of hair-strengthening ingredients, including Niacin and Super-Biotin, and is formulated to support a healthy scalp, and improve the appearance of your hair!
How To Boost Hair Growth With An Onion Juice Hair Mask
It might sound strange, but it’s been suggested that the nutrients found in onions can help with the regrowth of hair, especially for those who lose hair in patches.
Onions contain sulfur, which is a mineral already found in the body, that is considered essential for the production of enzymes and proteins such as keratin, which is key to hair growth and structure. Onions also contain antioxidants, which can help fight against free radicals which could damage hair follicles.
You can apply onion juice to your scalp by peeling and chopping about 4 onions and extracting the juice from it by squeezing it or using a juicer. Then apply the juice to the scalp, massage in and wash thoroughly with a targeted hair loss shampoo after 15 minutes.
Daily use will give you the best benefits, but if the smell gets too much, you can mix the onion with essential oils or lemon juice.
Read our Complete Guide To Essential Oils & Your Hair here.
Read up on the Benefits Lemon Has On Skin, Hair & Nails here.
How To Boost Hair Growth With Cel's Microstem Shampoo and Conditioner
As with our hair formula, we have developed a hair thickening Microstem Shampoo and Conditioner, which enhances the growth of hair using our mix of nature and science.
Unlike some shampoos, we don’t use any harsh chemicals which might damage the scalp and dry out the hair (like yucky parabens and sulfates) but instead, use nutrients and scientifically optimized ingredients that nourish the follicles. Our brilliant, targeted shampoo and conditioner are proven to strengthen hair and boost hair growth.
It contains keratin, the protein that’s vital to healthy, growing hair, as well as Active Panax Ginseng – it stimulates the scalp to fight hair thinning and encourage more hair growth.
Read up on How Ginseng Benefits Hair Growth here.
This sciency hair blog's final thoughts...
Caring about your hair shouldn’t be low on your list of priorities, just because people put it down to vanity. Your confidence affects your ability to do the things you want to do, and we know just how difficult it can be to feel like that’s not the case.
The science behind hair and the above suggested remedies to combat hair thinning and hair loss can be a way out of that feeling – no more hiding away your locks!