Can Kombucha Tea Clear Your Acne…?
Kombucha For Acne… Can Kombucha Help Your Skin?
Thought to originate in either China or Japan, for centuries, kombucha has been touted as a tour-de-force tea that prevents and fights a number of unwanted ailments. But, can it help with acne?
What Is Kombucha?
Kombucha is a fermented tea (meaning it ends up being kinda fizzy)!
Kombucha is derived from fermenting sugary tea using a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. It has an unusual vinegary scent to it, and if you don’t like the taste of it, some brands have created flavored versions.
What Are Some Of The Kombucha Benefits?
Kombucha Is Considered To Be A Probiotic
The fermentation process of kombucha tea produces acetic acid, making it slightly carbonated. A considerable amount of bacteria grows in the mixture whilst it ferments too, and this bacteria is believed to be gut-friendly and work as a probiotic.
Probiotics are thought to support the gut by feeding it with healthy bacteria, helping it function better, fight off inflammation and ease digestion.
Kombucha Is Loaded With Antioxidants
Antioxidants protect against oxidative stress that’s caused by free radicals.
Oxidative stress is when an oxygen molecule splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons. These are called free radicals.
Electrons like to be in pairs, so free radicals (solo electron atoms) rampage through the body to seek out other electrons to pair up with. Lone electrons are not known to look for another electron to pair with respectfully; they cause damage to cells, proteins, and DNA whilst on their hunt which can wreak havoc on your skin and hair.
Read more on Why Free-Radicals Are Bad For Skin here.
Kombucha Has Anti Bacterial Properties
When kombucha is made with black or green tea, it’s been found to be effective against suppressing the growth of unwanted and infection-causing bacteria! As mentioned above, when fermented, kombucha makes acetic acid which is able to kill off harmful microorganisms (bad bacteria).
Can Kombucha Tea Help Clear Acne?
It’s thought that when your gut isn’t in great shape, your body shows it on the outside via breakouts and blemishes. So in theory, probiotics are thought to help support your skin to stay spot-free, via your gut.
Regularly digesting probiotic and digestive enzymes has been linked to reducing acne, and as you’ve probably guessed by now, kombucha is popularly known as a liquid probiotic.
And hey, the theory makes sense. If you’re applying lotions and potions topically to zits to no avail, it may be worth addressing the probiotic theory – the problem may well be on the inside. And when acne is the pest that it is, it’s worth giving something new a shot right?
You just have to take a quick google to fall upon loads of beauty bloggers praising kombucha tea for providing their skin with clarity and claiming it clears their acne.
So, maybe be it’s worth a trial run? Remember, everybody is different and responds to different routines, diets and products, so you’ll have to see for yourself…
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