Caffeine Creams For Cellulite - Do They Work?
Do Cellulite Creams Work? And, What Even Is Caffeine Cream?
Ever wondered what’s actually in your cellulite cream? Or whether it actually works? There are so many treatments out there on the market, and a lotion seems like one of the easiest options compared to laser therapy or deep tissue massages. It's a simple step to get into your daily routine, and takes minimal effort.
However, how does a cream claim to penetrate into your skin to change the way your fat cells develop or form? Cellulite is a completely natural thing which most people have, so, do we really need to cream to fix it?
Here at Cel, we've had a think about this, and in particular the role of caffeine in some of the newest cellulite creams out there.
So, here's the run down on whether they really do work, and how caffeine can potentially diminish your cellulite (if desired) for good...
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite is the dimpled effect that appears on the skin, usually on hips, thighs and buttocks. It’s much more common in women than it is in men because of the way fat cells, muscle and connective tissue are distributed in their body. Fat deposits push and distort the tissues which rest under the skin, causing the small lumps we see.
Cellulite is ultimately down to genetics, skin thickness, age, and gender. Although things like pregnancy and an inactive lifestyle can have an impact too. But generally, it’s incredibly common and is not a ‘problem’, it’s just the way in which fat cells settle, and not a sign of being over-weight.
There are, however, a lot of different cellulite creams on the market and numerous other treatments too, as so many of us don’t like the look of Cellulite, and it can be a cause for insecurity. So, we’re going to see how cellulite creams claim to work, and what role caffeine has in them.
Do Cellulite Creams Work? How Do Cellulite Creams Work?
The main ingredients in cellulite creams are usually retinol or caffeine. Retinol is said to stimulate collagen production, which helps to renew the skin cells and encourage the new fat cells to settle flatter.
Whether or not they work is a topic still being discussed. They definitely work to moisturize your skin, and some even create a ‘tingling’ feeling giving the impression they work. But whether they actually help get rid of cellulite is another question.
Caffeine Cream, Caffeine Lotion: What's Caffeine’s Role In Cellulite Cream?
Caffeine is known to tighten blood vessels, which will then make your skin tighter, so it’s often used in a lot of cellulite and weight-loss creams. It can also stimulate blood flow from the surface to break down fat cells which lie deep beneath the skin.
But, the main results are achieved through dehydration. By targeting the fat cells to dehydrate them and push out water, it's thought that the appearance of cellulite will start to smooth out via a caffeine cream.
But, this is temporary, and as soon as you stop using the caffeine cream, the cellulite will most likely come back.
It’s important to understand that caffeine lotion does not actually repair the skin to change the way your fat settles, it just works to change the way it looks.
Things like olive oil, retinol, and antioxidants work to directly improve the health of skin cells, whereas caffeine will only provide temporary relief.
Read more on retinol in skincare here.
Final Thoughts On Caffeine Cream For Cellulite...
What’s clear is that there’s no real way to get rid of cellulite. We advise if you want to reduce your cellulite, there are certain exercises and foods (like ones rich in Vitamin A) which you can choose to help too, as well as using a cream.
Whilst there are numerous treatments out there, ranging from $10-$1,000, many of them will only help improve the appearance of cellulite, rather than diminish it all together. But if a cream can reduced the appearance of them in the short term, that's often more desirable than leaving it completely.
But, remember, cellulite is something we all have, and not a 'problem' that needs fixing!